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 Joy in the little things
I know I have been complaining a lot about many things lately, so I shall write about something different today before I go meet Mr mood spoiler.

I'm not a difficult person to please - I swear. This morning, I woke up early really early just to go to the supermarket. I would have gone yesterday night at around 9pm+ but the roads here are rather dark. I mean, streetlights are not something frequently seen here. Instead, I Googled and found out that the supermarkets were 24/7 here so I told myself to go this morning. When I woke up this morning, I almost back out of my plan in light of more sleep.

But lo and behold I managed to get up and take a shower before grabbing my wallet, phone, keys and jacket, jumped on my bike and off I went. The roads were quiet and the sun was just rising. The place was all misty and the grass was wet from that. The pedestrian walkway was practically empty.

I rode down to TOPs, and then started grocery shopping at 7am. And I was just glad for the freedom to look and properly choose the products that I really want, putting back things I don't need. Like I said, vegetables were extremely expensive here but I managed to get myself some lettuce. And 2 boxes of 12oz white mushrooms for $5. I even got myself some emergency supply of cup noodles because, hell, they were only $1 for 3. I got my whole gallon of chocolate milk, got mayonnaise and pasta sauce; I got canned mackerel and 10 different small packed snacks that I can bring to school plus two party packs of mini kitkats supposedly for Halloween celebrations. I even got a broiler tray for $6 (how on earth the boys bought that at $20, I don't understand.) I got baking materials and vinegar. I got even got bacon and corn starch.

And did I have trouble getting home with all that stuff? No. I got home by my own, happy with my purchase that I quite nearly skipped to school. And the best part? I was still early for class then (class is at 8.30 with 30 min shuttle to get there. If I cycle it would be like 10 minutes because waiting for the bus is a chore. I took the bus though cause I'm going elsewhere later). The weather was cold. It was 2 degree Celsius into the night and 6 degrees when I went out (although the meter says that it feels like 3 degrees)

And it's just little things like these. I don't need extravagant stuff to make me happy. Instead, those things don't make me happy. It's the little things that brings joy
"Joy in the little things" was Posted On: Friday, September 19, 2014 @4:58 PM | 0Omnomnomnomnom

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