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 Things I'm bad at
So, screw the awkward introductions and let me expose my entire being. Since I'm on this topic, let's go with something that can be related to this page. One of the things I'm bad at includes being consistent with blogging. I can't emphasize enough how many abandoned blogs I have that now only serves to remind me of my embarrassing and childish past. Maybe not only blogging. It is actually social media that I actually can't keep consistent about. My Facebook hasn't been updated since the mid of last year, I created a Twitter account which I have always found pointless and so far it has proven to be so, I have a snapchat account which I'm pretty sure I sent out less than 10 pictures and I'm known to not respond to certain smses simply because I don't know what to reply. The only things I update these days are my instagram and my tumblr. All these brings me to my next point.

I am really bad at expressing myself. Take it this way. I don't reply to messages because I don't know what to say, I don't post random status on my Facebook because I don't know how to phrase it, I don't use Twitter because it's pretty much the same thing. It's easier to express my thoughts when I'm talking face to face with someone else but even then, the introvert in me would at times choose to freeze up and blank out and I end up shutting up and (as my friends would like to put it) zone out.

I am a socially awkward potato or penguin which ever you prefer. It took me months in a new class of an old school for me to find friends even though I already knew some people there. It took me nearly a full year for me to find friends in the college I'm in right now and I could hardly find group mates before that. I guess it is also because I'm afraid of what is socially right and socially wrong for different people. I want to fit in so I end up not wanting to act out of the norm the first time I meet someone. When I'm not close to a person, I can be extremely quiet. I clamp my mouth shut and shut the hell up and that's the story of how my first two college terms turn out so miserable. Once I get to know people better though, it's as though I can't shut up at all. I comment on the most random things and do the stupidest things.

Despite all that, I think I might be rather choosy with my friends. If something doesn't seem right for me about someone, I wouldn't categorize them as my friend. If a friend hits a nerve or a sore spot and ultimately doesn't think they are wrong, I'm sorry but that too is a strike off the list.

With that said, I have a major disability to act like I care if I really don't. You can go on talking about games I don't understand or about something that simply does not interest me and I would go straight into the zoning out zone. If you tell me something that makes you upset and I don't agree to your point of view, I wouldn't act like I do and I wouldn't pretend to sympathize with you because I don't. It is better when it is over the net and I can take my time to think of what to type but in real life, I would just send you the are you freaking kidding me stare. Simply put it, I am very bad at lying.

When I lie, I tend to raise my volume a little and also my pitch would go higher and I'd laugh alot. I laugh alot on pretty much every occasion but add all 3 together and I'm probably trying to guide you to a surprise birthday party without you knowing. Well, that is for white lies at least. With other lies, I'd probably fidget alot and shuffle my feet. I'm not saying I don't lie. I probably exaggerate more often than I think I do but those are things I do subconsciously. Outrightly lying isn't one of my forte.

Similar to lying, I can't swear; well maybe not can't per say, more like I feel really uncomfortable doing it. There was one period of time when my peers are using it as if it were any other word in the dictionary. It was then that I remember using vulgarities like once or twice but I never did feel comfortable with it. Even when I'm quoting someone, I try my best not to use the vulgarities the other person has used. I don't stop people from using vulgarities casually but if someone directs it at me in a fit of anger I would tell them that I don't think I deserve to be called whatever they call me. I feel uncomfortable even typing a vulgarity and sometimes even disguise it like duck or something.

I am a grudge-holder. If someone did something to me without a proper sincere apology, I would hold that grudge for a long time. Let's just say that I have a classmate in primary school who was in my clique of friends when I was 11. Now, 8 years later, I still hate her. Hate is the word because in my opinion she deserves it. Second chances are fine, but they are only called second for a reason.

Well, maybe these weren't the things I really am bad at like singing or something, but they are all still a part of who I am. 

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"Things I'm bad at " was Posted On: Sunday, February 23, 2014 @5:37 AM | 0Omnomnomnomnom

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